Other house

Year: 2016

Status: Paper Project, exhibitied at CAMPO gallery in Rome, FRAC Centre-Val de Loire and at Budsjord pilegrimsgård

manthey kula was given a framework of a human emotion: hope, and an architectural principle: system. These two concepts were to be used as lenses to reflect upon two images by Walter Pichler from the FRAC archive of experimental architecture.

One structure, two inhabitants, one building, two territories, one nature.

The life in the house is told from A – Y.

Z is another story.


Distant silence from the empty house below,

Rising to the rituals of the body, shedding warmth of sleep in front of glass.

Night is leaving, day is coming slow,

Cold feet on the floor while I watch the morning pass.

Early light across the curving wall, pointing to an aim.

Sudden movement, modest glimpses, all concluded in mutual recognition:

Rounded shoulder, naked neckline and the features of another face.

Thinking: Should I think of him by name?

Constant concrete framing figures fixed in opposition,

Projected longing to a shared horizon, nestled in between suspended space.



Descending slowly into waves of light.

Where a solid echo protects the attributes of home.

Context – wild and tended – emerging into sight,

Reflected sun draws maps for eyes that roam.

Steel and concrete positioned with decision,

Fulfilled geometries eclipse the other life.

Sharing structure: are we seated at a common table?

Domesticity unfolds inside precision,

Space divides existences like a knife.

Our presences in orbit are not stable.



Expansion turning to contraction till the skin is circumscribed by wall,

Horizontal light moves inwards, finding refuge in a darkened apse.

Enclosed by cast construction, the threshold to the world is tall,

Your heat transported through the structure; a momentary lapse.

Balanced span and optimistic tension,

Support the sturdy slab and tender use,

Solitary flames uphold the common mound.

Inside a rare dimension,

Space is tight, but time is loose.

Looking outside to the outside ground.



Rapid run to a common point,

Where independent systems meet and measure.

Separated and connected in a membrane joint,

Reflected eyes give pleasure.

Trembling surface, resonating footsteps in a stair,

My image in the mirror standing still:

Will you feel my presence when you pass?

Sudden shivers and a scent of moss is brought by air,

Silence kept by doubt and not by will.

Cyclic life is calling through the glass.



The house is left behind for open sky.

Beneath the feet a certain softness of the earth,

Myriads of nuances hit the eye:

Living matter reminiscent of birth.

Where you are enters my concern,

As I pass through heel high heather.

The ground is changing to a gentle slope.

I seek the forest in order to return,

Trunks and branches twined together.

This community of beings gives us hope.



Archipelago – Building from solitude


Tribunal for the displaced